Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I am Teething!

I read a lot of baby books starting from the day I conceived till to-date. Most of the books said that baby will only start teething at about 6 months and above (sometimes earlier, sometimes later). I was looking forward to it.

The challenge came about about 1.5 months ago. Luther started being grumpy and cry often. I was initially worried if it was something else. Until he started chewing on things, using his tongue to play with his lower gums and drooling a lot... literally, my shoulder is always smouldered with saliva.

Saw me your tongue
Sleepless nights were also on the list as he will suddenly wakes up at night and cry.... really pitiful! Until my hubby was looking around for teething gel.... although my hubby bought Dentinox Teething Gel, we decided not to give Luther as I believe it's the natural process of growing up....... and there were cases of recalled products back in 2009.

Yummy bottom lips.....
So, Luther continued on sucking his lips, chewing on his fingers and our shoulders or anything he can grab to put into his mouth.... I gave him Bo Ying Tan as well during the day. In fact, I tried many many ways, but it just didn't really ease his 'itch' or 'pain'....... 

At about 5 months 1 week old, we saw some budding on his gums and were so excited that it is really happening already....

Now, we can really see the teeth already and it just makes Luther even cuter.
Can you see my teeth?
 I believe he is about to go into his top 2 teeth now as he is starting his drooling again! 

I love my mama!
We shall wee when his top 2 teeth is coming.... 

Mommy will be with you all the way.... 
Not to worry my little hero!

..Luther in Genting..

Where do we go for a cool weather without going out of the country?

Genting Highland, of course!!

It is the cheapest way to feel the breeze... although I must agree that most of the time, we are breathing carbon dioxide from the vehicles coming up!! Anyway, it is a family trip with loads of fun fun fun......
My Family and I (Gugu behind the camera!)
The weather was really cold and I have the chance to play dress up with Luther... hahaha... not much but at least I get to dress him up in long sleeves and long pants. Luther was enjoying his stay there although there weren't much he could do there now. Nonetheless, we brought him around from First World Hotel through Resort Hotel to Theme Park Hotel then Genting Hotel.
Ah Ma and I
 It's was Doraemon World Wide Anniversary at First World. I couldn't get any nice clothing for Luther but I got a small tumbler... which I am using now and will hand it to him when he knows how to use one.... good for traveling.
Papa and I at the Doraemon Exhibition
Genting was celebrating Chap Goh Meh; the 15th day of Chinese New Year. We managed to see the longest firecracker burnt and trust me, the bang was amazing. So amazing that during that moment when I thought Luther would be afraid, he slept soundly through the deafening bangs.
What sound?
Got him back to the room and guess what we changed him to?
Grumpy Superman!

'I love my Daddy'
Mommy, Papa and I
Mommy and I
Comfy on my bed!
Lunch before going back home at Ulu Yam

After all the fun in Genting, we traveled down from Batang Kali and headed towards Ulu Yam for yet another good meal. This restaurant; Hock Lay Restaurant, has been our regular pit-stop after Genting for many years and their food have not failed us. Simple yet good..... especially their Guinness Chicken Wings, Loh Mee, Coconut Prawns and the Thai Style Fried Tofu. Yummy......

My 1st trip to mommy's hometown!

It has been a while since we planned to take Luther back to Ipoh. Well, we went back to Port Dickson to visit Papa's hometown during Chinese New Year.... Since it's the weekend most people will go back home to pay their yearly visit to their beloved..... during Cheng Beng*, so, we decided to go back to Ipoh to join the crowd.

We all traveled in 1 car... Mom, bro, Shereen, Wo, Luther and I. Yup... all 6 in 1 Perodua Alza. We were having fun and what is more fun than being in 1 vehicle with all the people you love. The other half of the group were all in Ipoh waiting for our arrival.... More like Luther's arrival. It's like welcoming our 'Big Chief' back home.
View from the Back Seat.
Big Chief at the back seat!
When we arrived back in Ipoh, the weather was rather good. 
Ipoh is in a valley surrounded with limestone hills, therefore, during the day, the heat just sink into the valley... Limestone hills extend 20 km north of Ipoh and also 20 km to the south. There are many caves in these hills; cave temples are built in some of these caves.

Of course we ate a lot... not Luther.. but the rest of us. 
My Papa and I in Ipoh
 It was a long ride to and fro but it's all worth it. It was all great fun.

*Cheng Beng is a festival where its name denotes a time for people to go outside and enjoy the greenery of springtime (踏青 Tàqīng, "treading on the greenery") and tend to the graves of departed ones.*