We read a lot about baby turning yellow during their 1st month after 2 to 3 days or even 1 weeks after birth.
Yes, my baby turned yellow after 3 days, as said in all books and antenatal class we attended. I was so sure Luther will be alright after a few days because I believe he was having normal Jaundice. Well, normal jaundice usually last for a few days and will be gone.
On 20th October 2011, Luther came in for his morning feed and I took him to the sun for a while before I fed him hoping that the Jaundice was not severe, at least low enough for me to bring him home. The nurse came in an told me that the Bilirubin count was a little high at 289. So, we waited for the Pediatric, Dr Paran to instruct us on the next step. The obvious was to put him to photo therapy and I hit spot-on. Almost immediately, Luther was place under the 24 hours photo therapy.
The following day his Bilirubin count dropped but still on the higher side. It was advised to keep him under the light for another 24 hours. I was literally in tears see him going through this and prayed so hard that it will come down. MY PRAYER WAS ANSWERED!
Luther was discharged on 22nd October 2011 with bilirubin count of 133... hooray!!!!
1st day back home |
However, Dr Paran has asked us to come back for another check on 25th October to see how the count when. We were devastated that it when back up to 233. Fortunately, Luther was allow to come home with the instruction of sun bathing him every morning between 8 - 11am; 10 minutes front and 10 minutes back. We were very consistent and his second check was on 27th October. I went up even higher to 269. We were almost speechless. Dr Paran still allowed Luther to go home with some medication to mature his liver faster to allow it to process the bilirubin and pass it out the body system. Of course, many people was pretty much against it saying that he should go for the photo therapy but I have faith in Dr Paran.
Sun bathing from home |
We continue to sun bath Luther and gone back for his 4th check on 1st Nov. His Bilirubin count dropped, hovering around 200+. Dr. Paran said that he will stay at this level for a while cause he is being breast fed. As long as it is around 200+, Luther will be fine. And guess what!! Luther has gained weight to 3.6kg from 3.2kg within 17 days. That gave me more confidence that he is alright.
We were told to use several other methods that potentially helped to reduce jaundice. I tried and don't know if it's coincidence or real, it worked.
1. For me to eat lesser ginger or none at all for a few days.
(Chinese 1 month confinement eats a lot of ginger to keep the body warm)
2. Bath Luther in Guiness Stout.
(not the whole bottle but just about 125ml with normal warm water)
The day I don't see yellow has arrived. Have not confirmed it with the doctor but from his skin and the white of his eyes, I know it has reduced or even gone. The day I don't see yellow was on 7th Nov 2011.